Sunday, October 24, 2010

Mi amor, mi cielo, mi vida

Yes, I speak Spanish. Not perfectly but not 1/2 bad since the last Spanish class I had was 30 years ago. I love the Spanish language, culture and traditions. Maybe it's because I'm so American...generations and generations born here. I must be drawn to "foreignness" of it. And some things sound so much nicer in Spanish...

 My love, my sky, my life. That would be my son. I have lived many places, traveled, experienced many things. But nothing - nothing -compares to the experience of being his Mom. I only have 1 child so I don't know if every Mother feels this way about every child. No doubt. Wow, I wouldn't have missed this for the world.
His personal art

Welcome to my new blog.

I seem to be the only person who doesn't have a blog, sooo here goes. I suppose it will be, like the name suggests, my journal... my thoughts, opinions, art, favorite things, least favorite things.